Headline Geography

This weeks lesson:
Venezuela threatens to take most of Guyana
-- 12/11/2023

Q: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the authoritarian leader of a devastated economy, is threatening to take over nearly three-quarters of neighboring Guyana, which is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Where is Guyana on the northeast coast of South America?

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Question 2 of 5

Q: The economies of both Guyana and Venezuela are both largely dependent on …

A. Agriculture
B. Illegal drugs
C. Manufacturing
D. Oil production

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Common Core State Standard
RH.CCS.7 Grades 6-12: Students are asked to locate a country or geographical area on a map, connecting information with a specific location. Then, students answer a series of quiz questions based on a current news event happening in that location. Students must combine their prior knowledge with information presented in the question to determine the correct answers.