Tired of manually entering orders and chasing affidavits?
Let our online ordering and verification software free up your time and resources so you can concentrate on more important tasks.
The NIEonline solution:
Customized for your program:
- Do you deliver print editions, digital replica editions, or both to your classrooms? Our ordering software can manage any combination with automatic presets dictated by your individual program so every order is correct upon submission.
Fully automated:
- Increase affidavit compliance with our simple one-step online verification affidavit that has been AAM approved in a number of major markets. Add an additional level of encouragement by allowing the software to block email addresses with unverified orders from re-ordering until the past order is verified.
- Control all aspects of your data within your password-protected administration area. Viewing or editing users, setting subscription periods, and sending verification reminders are just a few of the many available features.
- Download real-time reports for upload into your circulation system or track digital edition usage by user. Your data is always at your fingertips for all your reporting needs.
Instant Digital Replica Access:
- Our digital authentication allow teachers to create their own user name and classroom password for immediate digital access upon submission of their order. The system counts digital logins per user so you can track how many teachers are accessing your digital replica edition.