This week's lesson
Draw your own conclusions
►Download blank cartoon here for students to try writing their own captions.
Evaluation Worksheet

►Download Cartoon Evaluation Worksheet
For use with these lessons or with cartoons from your newspaper
Common Core State Standard
RL.CSS.2/4 Grades 6-12:
Students determine the meaning of political cartoons through the analysis of their literal, symbolic and figurative meanings of the elements the artist used and their effect. Students are asked to describe the overall effect of the cartoon, and how the artist’s choices combine to create that effect.
Finally, students determine the purpose of the cartoon and how it relates to current issues through discussion questions. A blank cartoon is provided to assist students in writing their own caption based on their understanding of the cartoons meaning
NOTE: You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to use these files. If you don't already have it, click here to download it.