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Common Core State Standard
LS.CCS.4/5/6 Grades 3-12: Students are asked to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words through multiple choice vocabulary quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help students demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in words, acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words, and gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Students are then asked to find the words within the newspaper and copy the sentence for context to its overall meaning or function in a sentence.
This Week's Word In The News 


Individuals who gather into social groups.

It has also proved especially deadly among some communal mammals, such as elephant seals and sea lions in South America, as well as caged fur-farmed animals in Europe.
The Los Angeles Times, 04/15/2024

Words in the News Quiz
5 High School Words

Click on the correct answer in the quiz below.
Then see if you can find the word in your newspaper -- the print edition, the website or the digital edition and copy the sentence for context. NOTE: High School words are much harder to find!

1. Loquacious

To modify, as by shortening or simplifying or by skewing the content in a certain manner.

Of or relating to money

Very talkative; garrulous.

To renounce under oath; forswear.

2. Diffident

Shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane.

Having one’s true identity concealed.

Lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid.

Attended by favorable circumstances; propitious.

3. Winnow

To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate.

Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.

A part, portion, or share.

The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended.

4. Facetious

To abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority.

Playfully jocular; humorous

A reproductive cell having the haploid number of chromosomes, especially a mature sperm or egg capable of fusing with a gamete of the opposite sex to produce the fertilized egg.

The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language.

5. Oxidize

Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor.

Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.

To increase the positive charge or valence of (an element) by removing electrons.

Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units,

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