to The Morning Call Newspapers in Education website. NIE provides newspapers, lessons, online activities and links for classrooms and homes. Just click on a picture or link, and you can download resources and activities at your fingertips.
Science Webcasts
Science Audio webcasts: An exclusive partnership with Pulse of the Planet, updated with two-minute sound portraits of Planet Earth. Tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide, blending interviews with extraordinary natural sounds.
Tap the wealth of information in your newspaper as a teaching tool:
Answer FIVE Geography questions each week based on major news events.
►Archive of Geography quizzesDiversity, multiculturalism, worldwide events. You'll find plenty for classroom discussions in this listing of events.
NASA's Night Sky Network
A monthly column on the latest space discoveries and technologies for elementary students (Updated Monthly)
How well do you keep up with the world around you? Take this week’s quiz to test your knowledge of recent national and world events.
►Could climate denial endanger us?
►Download the lesson
►White House media policy changes spark lawsuit by AP and concerns about presidential access
-- Front Page Talking Points Archive
This week's word in the news: CENSURE
An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
Republicans acted quickly to rebuke Green with a censure resolution that officially registers the House’s deep disapproval of a member’s conduct.
►The Chicago Tribune -- 03/10/2025