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Common Core State Standard
LS.CCS.4/5/6 Grades 3-12: Students are asked to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words through multiple choice vocabulary quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help students demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in words, acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words, and gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Students are then asked to find the words within the newspaper and copy the sentence for context to its overall meaning or function in a sentence.
This Week's Word In The News 


Anything related to the atmosphere, which is the layer of gases surrounding a planet. An atmospheric river is a narrow corridor concentrated water vapor.

A major atmospheric river storm — strong enough to potentially rival some of the extreme storms that have walloped Southern California in recent winters — is barreling toward the coast, raising the specter of damaging landslides and flooding across the region.
The Los Angeles Times, 02/10/2025

Words in the News Quiz
5 Middle School Words

Click on the correct answer in the quiz below.
Then see if you can find the word in your newspaper -- the print edition, the website or the digital edition and copy the sentence for context. NOTE: High School words are much harder to find!

1. Nocturnal

Of, relating to, or occurring in the night

An ammunition belt, worn over the shoulder, having loops or pockets for cartridges.

A form of a verb that in some languages, such as English, can function independently as an adjective.

Harmful, malevolent, injurious. Harmfully cancerous.

2. Sacrifice

Harmful, malevolent, injurious. Harmfully cancerous.

An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland.

Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.

One that speaks for, represents, or advocates

3. Lichen

A fungus, usually of the class Ascomycetes, that grows symbiotically with algae,

The distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.

A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters.

A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

4. Despondent

A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters.

A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

Having or demonstrating enthusiasm

Being without or almost without hope

5. Technique

The systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished.

A rebirth or revival.

To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.

To move back or away from a limit, point, or mark

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