Common Core State Standard
RH.CCS.7 Grades 6-12: Students are asked to locate a country or geographical area on a map, connecting information with a specific location. Then, students answer a series of quiz questions based on a current news event happening in that location. Students must combine their prior knowledge with information presented in the question to determine the correct answers.

Austria orders lockdown for the unvaccinated -- 11/15/2021

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Q: The Austrian government ordered a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people to slow the fast spread of the coronavirus in the landlocked country in Central Europe. Where is Austria?

Correct! (Scroll down for the next question)

How 4579 other students across the country scored on this question: Right:  52%
Wrong:  48%
Your score on this quiz: 1 out of 1  

Second question (of five)

Q: Austria has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe: only around 65% of the total population is fully vaccinated. Is that vaccination rate higher or lower than the United States?

A. Higher

B. Lower

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