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The Tampa Bay Times = Informational text

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Informational text can be seen as a type of nonfiction. The characteristics of informational text are that it:

  • ⇒ Conveys information about the natural or social world;
  • ⇒ Is written from someone who knows information to someone who doesn’t
  • ⇒ Has specialized features such as headings and technical vocabulary.


Informational text

The terms “informational text” and “nonfiction” are often considered synonyms and used interchangeably. However, these types of texts are not the same. According to Scholastic Magazine, “Informational text is a type of nonfiction — a very important type. Nonfiction includes any text that is factual. (Or, by some definitions, any type of literature that is factual, which would exclude texts such as menus and street signs.)

Informational text differs from other types of nonfiction in purpose, features, and format.” For more information about informational text, click here.

What is black and white and still read all over? Where can you find a free local source of quality writing and informational text? The answer is simple: The Tampa Bay Times.

Newspapers are an excellent source for information text. Check out this article from the Library of Congress:

About Florida Standards

The Florida Department of Education defines that the Florida Standards provide a robust set of goals for every grade. Emphasizing analytical thinking rather than rote memorization, the Florida Standards will prepare our students for success in college, career and life. The Florida Standards will reflect the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.

Building on the foundation of success that has made Florida a national model, The Florida Standards provide a clear set of goals for every student, parent, and teacher.

For more information on Florida Standards, go to the CPALMS website. CPALMS is the State of Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions: