NIE provides the Tampa Bay Times and related educational resources to schools at no cost to schools, teachers or families through sponsor and subscriber support.

“Loved being a part of NIE all these years. The materials were top-notch and workshops were terrific. Thanks for all you do for our profession. You're the best!”

“I absolutely love receiving the is such rich text to teach everything from.”

“Thank you so very much for ALL the great learning opportunities the Tampa Bay Times provides for my students.”

“On behalf of my classes, I want to thank you for making the newspaper available to us! We have used the paper in our AP Language and Composition class and it has been great getting the students dialoguing about current events and observing the use of language in its various forms in your articles and opinion pieces. And, it has been great getting a “hard copy” paper into their hands—they like the “feel” of that!”

“My students are in Intensive Reading classes and many are very reluctant readers. But I must say that every day, students rush in and grab the paper. In particular, they like the local news about what is happening in the area and they like the local sports.”

“Thank you for all you do for both private and public schools. Please know that the newspapers have been put to good use in my classroom weekly. The newspapers have enriched my student’s lives and education. This would not have been possible without the support of everyone involved. Thank you again for your support of education.”

“Thank you so much for your newspapers. They are popular and our students need all the reading practice that they can get…many don't care about reading books, yet I can usually convince a student to take the sports section if nothing else. The papers have been a blessing!”

“I've been reading the Times since 1980, and the students probably don't know it yet, but they are better readers because of this program. They’ve learned the differences among science articles, advertisements that appear to be science, and editorials! I am continually amazed at what we learn through this program and it’s great to have the best newspaper with local and award winning writers.”

“Your newspapers are a valuable tool for the intensive reading department. My students are a lot more captivated by your current events than my textbook - that is why we use them for main idea, summarizing, fact/opinion, cause/effect, author's point of view and inferencing.”

“We cover local news one day, national or state another...Thank you for the service that you are providing all our students and your dedication to promoting reading in our youth. We couldn't make as much fun without you.”

“Thank you so much for the newspapers. My students spend time reading them in class and also take them home for their parents to read. I know this is increasing their literacy skills.”

“I'd like to take this opportunity to thank...the Tampa Bay Times for supporting my school with newspapers to help enrich my curriculum. Please know they are being put to good use to educate our future.”

“I need to thank you for your support in my classroom of special needs kids. I have used your newspaper for all of the past 7 years I have been a teacher in Pasco District Schools... Your newspaper (has) enriched their lives and knowledge of the world in which they live. We read it daily and the kids are eager to read it. It often provides a platform for discussion or additional research. It fires their imagination and desire for more information... Thank you so very much for expanding the horizons of my students!”

“The Tampa Bay Times is a valuable asset for my classroom.”

“My students use the newspapers every day to expand their knowledge of the world around them and to improve their thinking and writing skills.”

“We use the newspaper on a daily basis to look for science related articles. Thank you to all the sponsors for their generosity.”

“Our students are better readers and better prepared citizens because of the generosity of your donors.”

“My students love the newspaper...we talk about the various law and economic related articles in class. In addition, the students use the paper to do current events each week throughout the school year. Thanks for your generous donation.”

“Lee Academy relies on the Tampa Bay Times e-edition to support student learning. The Tampa Bay Times e-edition is an integral part of my students' lessons.”
- Robert Zinker, Lee Academy, Hillsborough County

“Thank you very much for your support! Newspapers in the classroom are a vital part of my instruction!”
- Jaime King, Largo High School, Pinellas County

“Students love reading about current events (in the newspaper), cutting out, and highlighting articles of interest. I am thrilled to have these delivered to my classroom!”
- Kristy Dell, Sunlake High School, Pasco County

“The Tampa Bay Times is an invaluable source for my Social Studies course.”
- Linda Aston, Seven Springs Middle School, Pasco County

“The articles, graphics and opinions found in the Tampa Bay Times supplement and bring to "real life" what we are learning in the classroom.”
- Pamela McFarlin, Stewart Middle Magnet School, Hillsborough County

“The newspapers are so beneficial as many of my students do not get newspapers at home...we use them in all subject areas to connect to the real world.”
- Jacqueline McWhorter, Garrison-Jones Elementary School, Pinellas County

“My students have used the Tampa Bay Times on a daily basis for the duration of the semester. As a result I have had many students meet their graduation requirement of passing the FCAT or the ACT.”
- Jessika Parish, Boca Ciega High School, Pinellas County

“The newspapers are used by my reading & English students for summary and paraphrasing practice, independent reading, and other classes' projects as well - they are very helpful!”
- Meredith Moody, Freedom High School, Hillsborough County

“We are very fortunate to have the Tampa Bay Times in our classroom to develop comprehension skills across the content areas. We love your paper.”
- Cheryl Shaver, Even Start - Coachman Service Center, Pinellas County

“Thank you for helping the students out at Saint Petersburg High School; it really makes a big difference when we can bring current issues into the classroom for our history classes.”
- Alex Powers, St. Petersburg High School, Pinellas County

“Thank you for allowing my students to learn how math is used in daily life through the use of newspapers. The application of math concepts and making it meaningful motivates students and encourages life long learning.”
- Sondra Farrar, Gulf Middle School, Pasco County

“Thank you so much for giving my students the opportunity of receiving the Tampa Bay Times. I believe it is essential to the learning process that they are aware of day-to-day news.”
- Peg Roberts, Dixie Hollins Adult Education Center, Pinellas County

“My students eagerly await the newspapers every day...thanks for allowing my students to read a daily newspaper. Sometimes, it is the ONLY thing I can get them to read! We also do the Cryptoquotes occasionally to practice using context clues and problem solving, and we cut up the newspapers other times to make poetry... I read aloud to the class every day, and I often read aloud something I have found in the paper that is delivered to my classroom. I also post interesting articles on my board.”
- Virginia Pake, Dr. John Long Middle School, Pasco County

“My class enjoys using the newspapers for current events in Social Studies and reading skills. They have helped to enhance student learning. Thank you for furnishing these for our class.”
- Robin Robertson, Bardmoor Elementary School, Pinellas County

“These newspapers have greatly enhanced student learning. (Using the newspaper) allows students to practice reading skills and investigate current events in science. Thank you so much for your continued support!”
- Jay Thompson, Pinellas Secondary High School, Pinellas County

“(The Tampa Bay Times) is a very valuable tool for our class. Every Friday we do what we call Current Event Friday. Each student gets their own newspaper and has to read 4 main articles and write a 2 paragraph summary and reaction to each one. Only one of these can come from the sports section. This has allowed us to expose the students to some major recent events such as the capture and killing of Quadaffi as well as the on going election coverage. Most students have zero exposure to current events and this allows them to begin to see that there are issues that occur outside of their world that affect them and are important.”
- Joel "Coach Slaw" Slawinski, Palm Harbor University High School, Pinellas County

“The newspapers are an invaluable part of our curriculum in the ATOSS program. I appreciate you sending them to us. I use every newspaper to the fullest extent possible.”
- Susan C. Phillips, ATOSS- Zonta, Hillsborough County

“Our students are much more motivated to read about real world experience and they enjoy keeping up with current events.”
- Deborah Vest, ESE Teacher, Clearwater Library/Coachman Service Center, Pinellas County

“The Tampa Bay Times...offered alternative informational text for my students to use. It allowed them an opportunity to apply reading strategies and skills to reading the different articles, which are similar to those they find on the FCAT test.”
- Jessica Main, Durant High School, Hillsborough County

“Thank you for the opportunity to see the world through print media.”
- Warren D. Spurrier, Mann Middle School, Hillsborough County

“The papers are a great addition to the instructional strategies used in the classroom!”
- D. Simmons, Pinellas Secondary High School, Pinellas County

“Thank you again for helping us teach our students in tough economic times.”
- Yelina Skipper, Sunlake High School, Pasco County

“I use the Tampa Bay Times in a variety of lessons in different subject. Thank you so much for this program. It makes a difference in my students' educational experience.”
- Kathleen Hinkle, Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School, Pinellas County

“Your generosity is greatly appreciated in improving student reading achievement.”
- Mary Theo (Scopelitis), Palm Harbor University High School, Pinellas County

“As an English teacher, I use the Tampa Bay Times daily to discuss current events, journalism, and various real world issues. They have been an invaluable resource.”
- Shawn D. Skelly, East Lake High School, Pinellas County

“We use the Times in Economics Honors, Economics Regular and Women's Studies. Thank you very much for providing them to us.”
- Linda Manning, East Lake High School, Pinellas County

“I have been receiving and using the newspapers with the ESE department. It has been a wonderful asset to our students! Thank you again for this priceless resource!”
- Jessica Conover, Campbell Park Elementary School, Pinellas County

“My students and I enjoyed reading the newspaper daily and used it in a variety of classroom lessons and activities.”
- Deb Dumas, Crystal River High School, Citrus County

“We use our NIE papers virtually every day. They are a critical part of my social studies curriculum. Thank you for your support.”
- Kim Theurer, Ridgewood High School, Pasco County

“Thank you for giving the students at JDC the value of reading and working with the Tampa Bay Times.”
- Dawn L. Dascher, Pinellas Juvenile Detention Center School, Pinellas County

“I am teaching students how to read the newspaper to look for math facts in everyday life. I believe that if they can make a connection (between) what we learn in the classroom (and) what is happening outside the classroom, they will be more engaged in the learning process.”
- Connie Card, Chasco Middle School, Pasco County

“The newspapers rock!"
- Lindsay Lea, Calvin Hunsinger School, Pinellas County

“I teach Kindergarten and we learn two to three new sight words each week. My students love searching the paper and finding words they know and can read!”
- Kristin Faucette, Yates Elementary School, Hillsborough County

“Thank you very much for the Tampa Bay Times newspapers. They are very beneficial to our adult ESOL students. The papers help them with the language and culture as well as keeping up with current events.”
- Luna Carlson, Northeast Community School, Pinellas County

“We appreciate the newspapers and look forward to them each day. Many of my students have no other printed material in their possession, so the printed copies of paper are invaluable. Thank you very much for supplying them.”
- Candace Krewer, Shields Middle School, Hillsborough County

“I have used the newspapers for eight years in my classes...I love them and love this program! Thanks so much!”
- Jonathan R. Hare, Azalea Middle School, Pinellas County

“Thank you so much for the newspapers. The ESOL students that I teach are very interested in learning new vocabulary words, asking about local, national, and international situations (and) checking the editorial page...I like to use the newspaper for all levels - from a complete article for the more advanced to interesting pictures with captions, weather forecast, or shots of animals, birds, etc. There are so many ways to incorporate the newspaper!”
- Sharon Angell, Tomlinson Adult Learning Center, Pinellas County