NIE provides the Tampa Bay Times and related educational resources to schools at no cost to schools, teachers or families through sponsor and subscriber support.

Digital Resources: English Language Arts
Anatomy of the Tampa Bay Times

Anatomy of the Tampa Bay Times

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

This poster illustrates the different elements typically found on Page One and inside the Tampa Bay Times.

Click here to download the publication

Ancient Egypt: Art & Magic: Treasures from the Fondation Gandur Pour L'Art

Ancient Egypt: Art & Magic: Treasures from the Fondation Gandur Pour L'Art

Grade levels: Middle and High school

This full-color teaching poster focuses on Ancient Egypt: Art and Magic: Treasures from the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art. This supplement, created in partnership with the Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg, focuses on the exhibit of the same name that will be featured at the museum from December 17, 2011 through April 29, 2012. The activities and information provide a cross-curricular look at art and its relationship to history, science and Language Arts.

Click here to download the publication

Black History
Times photo

Black History Month

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

Black History Month is officially celebrated in the month of February. However, throughout history, in every month, generations of African Americans struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. The credible resources on this page will help teachers and students learn more about this rich history. Decades of not treating people with equality and respect spawned the civil rights movement. The Civil War ended in 1865. Yet it took black Americans many decades and a long difficult fight to get what Abraham Lincoln had intended them to have: equality. Learn more with the informational texts referenced.

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Celebrate Freedom

Celebrate Freedom

Grade levels: Middle and High school

What would Thomas Jefferson say if he could see the United States today? Each year, students in the state of Florida are expected to recite a key passage from the Declaration of Independence and to spend at least three hours in the classroom studying this important document. Celebrate Freedom carefully examines this key passage, helping students better understand its meaning and why it is still important to us today. Celebrate Freedom was created in partnership with The James Madison Institute.

Click here to download the publication.
Download the teacher feedback survey

Charting the Land of Flowers: 500 Years of Florida Maps

Charting the Land of Flowers: 500 Years of Florida Maps

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Maps are as old as language. Mapmakers communicate information with pictures that tell stories. For millennia, maps have shaped how we see the world, leading us to new places and ideas. Science, technology, culture, economics, politics, art, history – all of these can be found in maps. This publication, produced in partnership with the Tampa Bay History Center and the Florida Humanities Council, is based on the exhibit of the same name that will be featured at the History Center from September 21, 2013 - February 16, 2014 and focuses on maps as informational text

Digital edition only. Click here to download the publication
Visit the History Center's Map Resources page



Grade levels: Elementary and Middle school

The Florida Everglades was once a vibrant, free-flowing wetland, known as the River of Grass. It covered 4,000 square miles in Central and South Florida, stretching from the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes to Florida Bay. Over the last century, drainage and development reduced the Everglades to half its size. Take a Journey through the Everglades in the pages of this NIE tab.

Digital edition only. Click here to download the publication.

Gangs 101: Busting the myths and revealing the consequences

Gangs 101: Busting the myths and revealing the consequences

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Gang activity and bullying are prevalent on high school campuses throughout Florida. Students are faced with intimidation, violence, and fear from gang members, and need the skills to make educated choices in those situations. This curriculum was created in partnership with the Tampa Police Department, Hillsborough County, and Crime Stoppers.

This publication is not available in print.
Digital edition only. Click here to download the publication.

High Five

High Five 2012: The Integrated Language Arts and Journalism Curriculum

Grade level: Middle school

The NAA Foundation, with support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, developed High Five in an effort to address concerns about student achievement. High Five provides an integrated, three-unit curriculum that includes reading, writing, journalism, grammar, linguistics and visual literacy. All materials are age-appropriate for middle-school students. The curriculum uses the daily newspaper as a textbook and information source. Each unit, aligned to Common Core State Standards, is designed to be used as a stand-alone piece.

Click here to download unit A
Click here to download unit B
Click here to download unit C

High Five

Interpreting photos as informational text

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

All Eyes Photo Blog

Monet's London

Monet's London: (EMS-1)

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

In Jan., 2005, the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg opened the much anticipated "Monet's London" exhibit, a remarkable collection of 150 works, including a dozen by French impressionist Claude Monet, focused on Industrial Age London and the Thames River. This beautiful color teaching poster is filled with educational activities students can try at school or at home.

Online version only, click here

Newspaper Fun with Raymond!

Newspaper Fun with Raymond!

Grade level: Elementary school

This educational card series, created in partnership with the Tampa Bay Rays, features Rays mascot Raymond and is targeted to elementary school students in grades kindergarten through third. Use this set with the Tampa Bay Times for enrichment activities with small groups, for whole group instruction or to create reading center activities that best meet the needs of your students. For additional fun, send home a card for a parent/child activity.

Click here to download the publication

Newspapers in Your Life

Newspapers in Your Life

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

This curriculum, developed by the American Press Institute and the Newseum of Washington, DC, features six lessons focused on media literacy and aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Lesson plans incorporate existing Newseum resources into activities and student worksheets. Newspapers in Your Life is geared toward middle and high-school students, but includes extension activities for elementary students.

Click here to download Newspapers in Your Life unit
Click here to download In the Newsroom unit
Click here to download Media Literacy unit
Click here to download Standards Alignment Chart (for all units)

Newspapers in Your Life

Opal & the Secret Code

Grade level: Elementary

Opal & the Secret Code tells the true story of Opal Fleming, who grew up deaf in 1930s Oklahoma. As a child, Opal was left at the Oklahoma School for the Deaf by her father, who cared for her but had no way to communicate with her. As she watched the other students in the school, Fleming realized that they communicated using a secret code, which she later learned was American Sign Language.

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Pathways to Understanding (MS)

Pathways to Understanding

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Pathways to Understanding presents an overview of Muslim culture, busts some myths about Islam and Muslims, and explores the causes and consequences of Islamophobia, prejudice and discrimination. The goals of Pathways include fostering understanding of the immense diversity and depth of Muslim cultures around the world and promoting meaningful interactions between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Tampa Bay. Pathways was created in partnership with Community Tampa Bay, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art’s Building Bridges Program.

Click here to download the publication.
Visit the Pathways website

Women's History
AP Photo

Women's History

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society. Women’s History Month began as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week." Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as "Women’s History Week." In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month." Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.”

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Zoo Story

Zoo Story

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

Originally printed over a series of Sundays in 2007, Zoo Story is a nine-part series that chronicles Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo through a period of massive expansion to become one of the best zoos in the country. Author Thomas French investigates the philosophy of a zoo, keeping captive endangered animals, and controversial breeding programs through life, death, and the paradox of freedom. This NIE publication includes lesson plans. Content alert: Some parents and teachers may find parts of Zoo Story too graphic for younger readers.

Online version only, click here.