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XPI Student Showcase

Welcome to Xpress Plugged In, our new online gallery of student expressions. Please follow the submission instructions CAREFULLY. New work will be posted every Monday.
-- Nancy Green, editor of XPI

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Selections for the Week of 12/06/2010

Spotlight on Josephine Anes, 12th grade
Milford High School, Milford, MA


Josephine on Josephine ...

My name is Josephine Anes and I am a senior at Milford High School in Milford, Massachusetts. I am rarely seen without my camera, which may be why some of my friends call me the paparazzi. Alongside photography, my hobbies include theater, lacrosse, and best buddies. My camera of choice is a Nikon D3000, but recently I have been using an Olympus OM-PC to capture wonderful film shots, which I have included below. I hope you enjoy my work!


Digital and film photography by Josephine Anes, 17, 12th grade,
Milford High School, Milford, MA


Coke or Pepsi?, film photography


Reaching Out, digital photography


Times Square Taxi, digital photography


New Camera, digital photography


The North End, film photography


Summer Memories, film photography


New Again, digital photography


Fear, digital photography