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XPI Student Showcase

Welcome to Xpress Plugged In, our new online gallery of student expressions. Please follow the submission instructions CAREFULLY. New work will be posted every Monday.
-- Nancy Green, editor of XPI

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Selections for the Week of 11/29/2010

Spotlight on Kristen Lykins, 12th grade
Osceola High School, Seminole


Kristen on Kristen ...

My name is Kristen Leigh Lykins and I am a 17-year-old senior at Osceola High School. I am a varsity football cheerleader and a member of the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, and the Spanish National Honor Society. I am in the Early College program at St. Petersburg College, which means that I will graduate high school with my diploma and an AA degree. I hope to attend FSU and major in criminology.

I'd like to dedicate this spotlight to a few people: to my mom, for supporting me no matter what, and teaching me that the sky is the limit; to my grandpa, for being my role model and my rock; and to my amazing grandmother, who showed me how to live every single day to its fullest.


Digital photography by Kristen Lykins, 17, 12th grade,
Osceola High School, Seminole




Ferris in Paris


Daisy the Donkey


Let the Rain Sing You a Lullaby


Jack Be Nimble




Purple Beauty

