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XPI Student Showcase

Welcome to Xpress Plugged In, our new online gallery of student expressions. Please follow the submission instructions CAREFULLY. New work will be posted every Monday.
-- Nancy Green, editor of XPI

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Selections for the Week of 11/22/2010


My own version of Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Night", digital editing/design
Alex Gagnon, 10th grade, Nature Coast Technical High School, Brooksville


SunFlower Private School,

I Am Poetry

I am shy.
I am a deer hiding in the grass.
I am athletic.
I am a wolf hunting for bunnies.
I am playful.
I am a kangaroo hopping around.
I am hardworking.
I am the earth helping people.
I am energetic.
I am a horse running in the desert.
I am not negative like a teenager.
I am BEN.

Ben Pridemore, third grade


I am honest.
I am someone telling the truth.
I am strong.
I am the wind blowing down a tree.
I am creative and hardworking.
I am a beaver building a dam.
I am patient.
I am a gator waiting for the right moment to snap at my prey.
I am unstoppable.
I am a tank firing my cannon.
But I am not infected with rabies

Grant Hatch, third grade


I am athletic.
I am a fish swimming in the sea.
I am friendly.
I am the kitten greeting you at the door.
I am agile.
I am a monkey swinging on a vine.
I am creative.
I am a bird making its nest differently every time.
I am helpful.
I am a squirrel helping gather nuts for the winter.
I am beautiful.
I am a peacock walking across the open field.
I am not quirky.

Karina Gonthier, fourth grade


I am athletic.
I am a dog running after a cat.
I am interesting.
I am Michelangelo sculpting.
I am smart.
I am my parrot finding his way out of the maze.
I am creative.
I am my dad making paintings and signs.
But I am not good at everything.
I am UNA.

Una Barnitz, third grade


I am agile.
I am a cat jumping down from a shelf.
I am gentle.
I am a baby bunny eating a carrot from your fingertips.
I am intelligent.
I am a mouse waiting for the cat to go to sleep.
I am athletic.
I am a lion chasing a zebra.
I am brave.
I am a tiger fighting a big black mother bear,
hopelessly outmatched.
I am attractive.
I am a peacock spreading its feathers.
I am not mean.
I am RORY.

Rory Goldych, third grade


I am kind.
I am an angel watching over everyone.
I am graceful.
I am a crow flying through the sky.
I am sweet.
I am a sugar cube in your tea.
I am playful.
I am a dog ready to play.
I am brave.
I am a fox in the dark.
I am hopeful.
I am a hummingbird looking for nectar.
I am happy.
I am a bunny eating a carrot.
I am not mean.

Rachel Cappock, third grade



Winter Cats, construction paper and oil paint
Julie Nicole McCoy, third grade, Ridgecrest Elementary School, Largo